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State awards Memorial workforce development grant


Fri, Oct 19th 2018 07:15 pm
The New York State Department of Health has awarded a $59,893 workforce development grant to Niagara Falls Memorial Center to support its nursing education partnership with Niagara University.
The grant, which was awarded through a competitive application process, will help fund a two-year NU pilot program being taught on the Memorial Medical Center campus. The program is for associate degree-prepared registered nurses seeking to upgrade their education by attaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
"This training, which is being conducted in partnership with Niagara University, will strengthen nurse competencies in areas that are crucial to today's challenging health care environment," said Memorial Chief Operating Officer Sheila K. Kee. "We are most appreciative of this grant, which will provide tuition assistance for up to 30 of our registered nurses. To supplement the grant, Memorial will purchase the required textbooks and provide a laptop computer for each of them."
Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer JoAnn Pellegrino said the program will enable Memorial nurses with strong clinical skills to grow professionally in such areas as leadership, care transitions, population health and interdisciplinary team-based care.
"Increasing the percentage of Memorial nurses with BSN degrees will result in better patient outcomes and is vital to attaining our multi-year strategic goal of becoming a Magnet hospital - the gold standard of excellence in nursing services," Pellegrino said.
Kee said the program supported by the grant is yet another example of Memorial's importance as a workforce catalyst.
"When you combine the Niagara University nurse education partnership with the 120 people being trained through the care coordination training project we have undertaken with Niagara County Community College, it's clear that our efforts are making a very significant impact on job development and retention efforts in Niagara," Kee said.

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