Nine men were inducted into Grand Island Knights of Columbus Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752. From left: Jon Hart, second degree, Phillip Marianis, Enrico Frosolone, Robert Figliola, Donald Scalise, Paul Golembiewski, PJ Garland, Chuck Barone, TJ Pyc and David Gaydosh.
Sat, Mar 10th 2018 07:00 am
The Grand Island Knights of Columbus Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 inducted nine new members on March 4. The ceremony took place at the Knights' hall at 1841 Whitehaven Road with District Deputy Anthony Pirrone present.
These inductees join the ranks of the largest organization for Catholic men in the United States. The Mary Star of the Sea Council has over 170 members, many drawn to the organization after observing the charitable works of their fathers and grandfathers who were members of a Knights of Columbus council. One inductee described his participation in Knights of Columbus sports programs as having fueled his desire to one day become a member.
Sean Carroll, Mary Star of the Sea's grand knight, stated, "It is rewarding to induct these members into our council. The Knights of Columbus is a family-oriented organization that truly has a lasting impact on generations of its members. As our council continues to grow and thrive, it strengthens our ability to help address the needs of the people living in Grand Island and the surrounding communities."
The Knights of Columbus, Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 is a fraternal organization dedicated to improving Grand Island and surrounding communities through charitable activities, educational support and scholarships, support for youth sporting activities, support for families in need and encouraging all faiths, especially Catholics, to deepen their relationship with God.