The Buffalo Niagara Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America has announced its 2018 board of directors. The executive leadership includes: President Devon Jerla, marketing specialist, University at Buffalo; President-Elect Stacy VanBlarcom, APR, communications manager for Verve Dance Studio; Secretary Sarah Miller, media project manager, Bartercard Buffalo; Treasurer Michael Freedman, associate director of public relations and manager of online content for Niagara University; and Immediate Past President Beth Silverman Gruber, web coordinator for Delaware North.
Directors-at-large include Matthew Biddle, assistant director of communications, University at Buffalo School of Management; Rose Caldwell, communications and public relations director, Catholic Charities of Buffalo; and Grace Gerass, content marketing specialist at Quinlan. Assembly delegates include Mike Barone, public relations director, Tipping Point Communications; and Marcene Robinson, news content manager, University at Buffalo. Rene Petties-Jones, community engagement/development director, National Federation for Just Communities, will serve as diversity chair. Nick Maxwell, associate research coordinator for Edelman Intelligence, will serve as the chapter's Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) liaison.
About PRSA Buffalo Niagara Chapter
Founded in 1963, the Buffalo Niagara Chapter has nearly 160 members representing all areas of business and industry, including corporate, nonprofit, government, counseling firms, educational institutions and professional service firms.