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Roswell Park to host 'Be the Match' bone marrow donor drive June 3

by jmaloni


Wed, May 28th 2014 09:30 am

Each year, more than 30,000 children and adults will be diagnosed with diseases for which a bone marrow transplant is the only chance for a cure. Only 30 percent will find a matching donor within their family. Over the past 25 years, "Be The Match," operated by the National Marrow Donor Program, has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world.

You can help save a life by donating bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. A simple swab of the inside of the donor's cheek provides the necessary tissue typing information, which is put into the NMDP to record individuals who have agreed to join the registry and potentially donate marrow or stem cells. Potential donors can then be matched with patients of the same tissue type.

A transplant involves replacing the patient's bone marrow with healthy new blood-forming cells. Donors must be between 18 to 44 years old and should not have any history of cancer, diabetes or heart problems. Drive costs are being covered by the NMDP and Marrow Drive Rochester.

A donor drive is scheduled for Tuesday, June 3, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the main lobby of Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton streets, Buffalo.

Blood and marrow transplants are used to treat many cancers and other serious diseases, including sickle cell anemia. Currently, several Roswell Park pediatric and adult patients in need of blood/stem-cell transplants are seeking a matching donor.

The mission of Roswell Park Cancer Institute is to understand, prevent and cure cancer. Founded in 1898, RPCI is one of the first cancer centers in the country to be named a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center and remains the only facility with this designation in upstate New York. RPCI is a member of the prestigious National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of the nation's leading cancer centers; maintains affiliate sites; and is a partner in national and international collaborative programs. For more information, visit www.roswellpark.org, call 1-877-ASK-RPCI (1-877-275-7724) or email [email protected]. Follow Roswell Park on Facebook and Twitter.

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