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The annual Wheatfield Lions Club Spring Pancake Breakfast and Basket Raffle will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, April 21, at the Henry Scibisz Five Senses Nature Park Clubhouse, located on Ward Road next to the American Legion Post 1451.
The breakfast will feature pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice, coffee/tea and the opportunity for all the breakfast you wish to eat.
For the first time, the event will include a basket raffle sponsored by Lioness members.
The Lions cooks, brought back by popular demand, are Eggmaster Art Kroening, Sausage King Paul Wilson, and flipping those heavenly pancakes will be Bob Cliffe and Josh Kinde.
The cost for the pancake breakfast will be $7 for adults and children 13 and up; $4 for children ages 5 to 12 and children under 5 will be free. Tickets are available from any Lions member or at the door. The proceeds will be used for community projects and community organizations.
Remember, if you or your family/friends need a wheelchair, hospital bed, or other types of rehabilitation equipment, contact a member of the Wheatfield Lions Club. Lion Clubs around the world serve the residents of the community in which they are located.
Shown from left are Wilson, Kroening, Cliffe and the "Coach" Bill Ross.