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Assemblyman John Ceretto, R-I- Lewiston, today called the so-called 'fat tax' "a blatant Albany money grab, plain and simple." He said downstate politicians are once again pushing the levy, which was rejected by New Yorkers in 2009.
"Albany politicians should not be in charge of our nutrition plans and they should not be after more money from hard-working Niagara County residents when they've shown such recklessness with our tax dollars in the past," Ceretto said. "Families across Niagara County are struggling to make ends meet and this highly regressive tax will have a negative impact on working families."
Ceretto noted that the fat tax, which was originally proposed as an 18 percent levy on sugary drinks, may be expanded to include some foods and likely will be re-introduced when the legislative session begins in January.
"Although I understand the public health concerns presented by obesity, I believe that it is more constructive to educate average New Yorkers on nutritional issues rather than punish people by raising taxes on working families," Ceretto said. "I will fight to oppose any tax increases in the upcoming 2012 legislative session."