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Youngstown Lions Club announces Lew-Port-area scholarships


Fri, Feb 23rd 2024 03:20 pm

The Youngstown Lions Club invites all graduating high school seniors living within the Lewiston-Porter School District, including parochial and home-schooled seniors, to apply for one of its annually sponsored scholarships named in memory of former Youngstown Mayor Neil Riordan. Up to three recipients will be chosen this year to receive awards of $1,500 each.

Applicants for these scholarships must be enrolled full-time in a college, university or trade school with a start date of September of the scholarship year, i.e., fall of 2024. In alignment with the “We Serve” mission of the Youngstown Lions Club, students who are pursuing careers intended to provide service to their community such as nursing, education, or the skilled trades, are encouraged to apply.

Requirements include the completed paper application form obtained from the Lewiston-Porter High School counseling center; or download the application from the Lewiston-Porter website, www.lew-port.com, and navigate to the high school counseling center office site. All completed applications are due to the Lewiston-Porter High School counseling center, either as paper copy or as attachment in an email, no later than Friday, April 19.

For more information on the Youngstown Lions Club, contact Lion Stu Comerford at 716-534-7198.

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