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Gateway marking newest full-length album, 'Monuments,' with Fair Trade Services release


Fri, Aug 11th 2017 04:20 pm
Collection of music born out of Dallas-Fort Worth-based Gateway Church
Gateway will release their most recent album, "Monuments," on Sept. 15 with Fair Trade Services. 
Gateway finds its origin at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, one of the largest churches in North America, ministering to nearly 40,000 attendees across multiple campuses and thousands more online each week.
The collective is born out of the rich heritage of Gateway Worship and features multiple Dove Award winner and Grammy-nominated Mark Harris, as well as Matt Birkenfeld, Anna Byrd, Austin Benjamin, Lauren Dunn, Maddison Harris, Cole Novak, Levi Smith and others making up the voices and songs. The new 12-track LP finds symmetry in the monuments observed throughout scripture and the moments in one's own life, "pointing to the belief that we are monuments of his faithfulness." 
"We are so excited about this new collection of songs that represent what God has been and is doing in our church," Harris said. "They speak of God's faithfulness, his greatness and love. The worship leaders and songwriters of Gateway unified to pour out their hearts and songs to the Lord like never before."
"Open The Heavens," the first single from "Monuments," will impact radio on Aug. 18. 
"My hope with this song is that, as people listen, there would be an expectation, a joy and a faith that would come alive in every person," Novak said. "To expect big things from God, and be willing to have faith to say 'yes' to whatever he wants to do. And that we would know on the other end of that obedience that God is going to do incredible things because of who he is."
"Open The Heavens" is available on all digital outlets now along with the album pre-order.
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