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 **When placing an ad for a Sale: Only use the "Area of Sale" option if the Area of the sale is different than the mailing address (ex: Mailing address might be Niagara Falls - but you want the sale to be under Wheatfield) Otherwise you may leave this field blank - and please always include the address of the sale in the "Ad Text".

Contact Information:

Niagara Frontier Publications
1859 Whitehaven Road
Grand Island, NY 14072-0130 

Phone: (716) 773-7676

Fax: (716) 773-7190


Ad Deadlines: The deadline for submission of ads is three business days before publication: 


Day Published


Grand Island PennySaver  Wednesday Monday 12pm 
Niagara County Tribune/Sentinel Friday Tuesday 5pm 
Grand Island Dispatch   Friday Tuesday 5pm 

 *** Estate Sales follow the same deadlines - but please place your ad one in a half weeks before the date of your sale to make sure your sale appears in the paper BEFORE your sale is over!! ***

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