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Story and Photos by Alice Gerard
Senior Contributing Writer
The walking trail at Veterans Park was covered with snow on the morning of Jan. 11 when a group of Relay For Life volunteers took the first lap.
The first lap is an annual event, held worldwide on the first Saturday of the new year. This year, the event was scheduled for Jan. 11.
Relay For Life is scheduled for Saturday, May 17, at Town Commons.
“The theme is ‘Tackle Cancer,’ and participants/teams and survivors are encouraged to sign up at www.relayforlife.org/grandislandNY to receive information on our upcoming events,” event co-chair Lynn Dingey said.
From left, Annemarie Salviski, Kathy Kraft, Wendy Napier (holding the round sign), Dylyn Harrison, Kim Kalman, Renee Gugino, Lisa Dudley, Tracey Melisz, Cyndi Booker, Dave Booker and Lynn Dingey.