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NYS denies request to reduce Staley Road speed limit

Sat, Jul 6th 2024 07:00 am

By Alice Gerard

Senior Contributing Writer

New York state will not reduce the speed limit on Staley Road, said Regional Traffic Engineer Brian Kirby in a letter to the Erie County Department of Public Works.

“This (letter) is in reply to the town of Grand Island’s request for a lower speed limit on Staley Road from Grand Island Boulevard to W. River Rd. we have completed our investigation related to this matter,” Kirby wrote.

In the letter, which was discussed at the July 1 meeting of the Grand Island Town Board, Kirby stated, “The need for a reduced speed limit is based on a thorough evaluation of many factors, including roadway, characteristics, roadside development, and a statistical analysis of prevailing speeds as determined by radar checks. The majority of motorists driving a speed which they perceive to be reasonable and prudent for existing conditions. Experience has shown that, if there is no apparent reason for driving at a reduced speed, the posting of signs with an arbitrarily lower speed limit does not result in voluntary compliance by the majority of drivers. Thus, the lower speed limit results and larger speed differentials, which can make the road less safe.”

Town Supervisor Pete Marston said, “This is basically a response they sent us regarding our request for lowering the speed limit. Reading through it, I wasn’t very impressed by it.”

Resident Paula Sciuk added, “The whole point of reducing the speed limit on the road is that it is already too fast. I would like any information you’re able to provide on that.”

Marston said, “I’ll say that the Staley Road residents pretty much know where we stand on what we think needs to be done on Staley Road, and I think we shared some correspondence that came out of my office with you guys. All those letters are signed and in my office and are going up tomorrow morning to all appropriate to our distribution list. Hopefully, we can get some support beyond all this and get something cooking, so you’re not forgotten.”

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