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Building sits next to Brickyard rear entrance
By Joshua Maloni
GM/Managing Editor
Developer, professor and Edwin Mellen Press founder Herbert Richardson is working on a plan to renovate the property next to the Brickyard Pub & B.B.Q.’s rear entrance, at 415 Ridge St., Lewiston.
Publishing Director Phil Viverito said the goal is to create a multipurpose cultural center to host talks and musical events, display art, and sell books.
“We’re excited about this project. We think it would be an excellent showcase of the village and its heritage,” he said. “It’s very rich in heritage, that’s for sure.”
Viverito noted, “If (the cultural center is) successful, we plan on then maybe having refreshments, which would create a café situation,” he said.
He stressed, “We are not trying to compete, or to rob, local mom-and-pops.”
The proposal is currently under review by the Historic Preservation and Planning commissions.