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The Town of Porter announced will hold a public hearing on its $5,684,540 tentative budget for 2023 at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, at Town Hall. By the numbers, the plan reflects a modest drop in overall spending from the town’s adopted 2022 budget of $5,770,583.42, according to town bookkeeper Kim Boyer.
Broken down, overall, the budget finds $3,511,102 in spending in the under less estimated revenues line; $414,395 in less unexpended balance, and $1,759,043 to be raised by tax.
Categories include general fund A, which total $1,381,959 in spending. The numbers reflect $467,176 under less estimated revenues; $79,288 under less unexpended balance and $835,495 to be raised by tax. The line shows a tax rate of $2.0587 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.
In the town’s general fund B account, the budget shows $1,026,061 in spending; $1,014,450 under less estimated revenues, with $11,611 under less unexpended balance, and $0 to be raised by tax.
Highway Department numbers under the highway DA-townwide account show $1,717 in appropriations; $0 estimated revenues; $1,717 in less unexpended balance, and $0 to be raised by tax. On the highway DB-outside village line, the budget lists $1,332,461 in appropriations; $1,330,676 in less estimated revenues, and $1,785 under less unexpended balance, for $0 to be raised by tax.
Water Department spending finds $502,054 in appropriations; $402,800 in less estimated revenues; and $99,254 in less expended balance, for $0 to be raised by tax. Sewer Department numbers show $512,960 in appropriations; $296,000 in less estimated revenues; and $216,960 in less unexpended balance, for $0 to be raised by tax.
Other spending numbers of note find $9,000 under appropriations in the Ransomville light account, with $9,000 to be raised by tax, and a tax rate of $0.27253; $400,000 on the appropriations line for the town’s garbage refuse account with Modern Disposal, with $400,000 to be raised by tax, and a tax rate of $202.33 per unit for town property owners.
For fire services, the town lists $261,000 in appropriations for Ransomville Volunteer Fire Co., with $261,000 to be raised by tax or a tax rate of $2.00223; $192,778 for the Youngstown Volunteer Fire Co., with $3,780 under less expended balance spending, and $188,998 to be raised by tax or a tax rate of $1.04414.
Remaining number lines include the Lakeshore Sewer Improvement, Area Phases I, II and III account, with $52,425 under appropriations; $52,425 to be raised by tax and a tax rate of $250/50/5 per unit; and $12,125 under appropriations, $12,125 to be raised by tax and a tax rate of $575/50 per unit.
The Town Board’s regular monthly meeting will follow the budget session on Monday. Both sessions are open to the public. For more information, visit townofporter.net.