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With summer now underway, the Town of Niagara announced its annual “Hometown Heroes” project is in full swing, with banners installed on street poles and expected to remain to Veterans Day.
“Locating a specific one can be a daunting task if you don’t know the approximate location,” Town of Niagara Historian Pete Ames said. “This year, we have about 80 banners on display, and they are in alphabetical order for the most part.”
Ames said the “Hometown Heroes” banners were installed around Memorial Day. They are dedicated to local service members. The project leads off with a banner for veteran Eddie Adamczyk, found south of the six corners at Military and Packard roads. Another, dedicated to Joseph Candella, is at the northwest corner of that intersection. At the Military and Lockport roads intersection, banners are found for Joseph Casale and Cosmo Fratello.
Heading north to Military and Witmer roads, banners include those dedicated to Allen Garlock and David Hall. A banner for Carl Hall is found on Lockport Road, and one for Gordon Oldfield is on Miller Road heading west to Military Road.
“When you drive into Veterans Park, there are the 12 veterans who represent the 12 wars up to the veterans monument,” Ames said. “After the monument, drive toward the Community Center, and the rest of the veterans are in order as you come back around the pond, ending with Casey Zygmont.
“Each year, we will go in alphabetical order, and then reverse it, so they will be in different spots.”
Ames extended his thanks to Town of Niagara Supervisor Lee Wallace, Highway Superintendent Bob Herman, and particularly to Parks Department employees Phil Mitchel, Bill Beckwith and Vince Zuccari for their assistance.
He added, “I also want to thank the families, friends and organizations who sponsored the banners to honor our veterans. Tom and Nancy Tierney, John and Jackie Teixeira helped get this project started, and we couldn’t have done it without their involvement. Last, but not least, thanks to Casey Zygmont Jr. for preparing the photos for the banners.”
Ames said those with questions on the “Hometown Heroes” project can contact him at 716-297-4429.