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Veterans Day in Lewiston
Veterans of Foreign Wars Downriver Post No. 7487 organized the annual Veterans Day ceremony Thursday at the “Circle of Honor” monument in Lewiston’s Academy Park. Scores of residents lined up behind the collection of veterans to pay tribute to those who served in defense of this country and its freedom.
Prayers were offered for those who lost their lives in battle, and for those recently deceased. Flowers were placed on a commemorative wreath.
Town of Lewiston Supervisor Steve Broderick was the keynote speaker.
Following the ceremony, VFW members and friends met for breakfast at Syros.
(Photos by Joshua Maloni)
Honoring service members at Youngstown ceremony
Members of Youngstown VFW Lake Ontario Post 313 conducted their annual Veterans Day ceremonies Thursday morning before the Veterans Memorial at Veterans Park.
Post Commander Ted Jackson, who officiated at the brief ceremony, recalled a story titled “A Time to Remember” by a teacher at Valley Heights High School in Langton, Ontario, Canada. He said rural high school students entered empty classrooms on opening day with no desks. Jackson said the simple gesture done by their teacher was intended to covey the role of service members as guardians of freedom to students.
“It’s a message that carries on with our younger members to this day,” he said.
The simple ceremony concluded with a token gesture of thanks to Jackson and the VFW members by a young girl in the audience, followed by renditions of “God Bless America” sung by the roughly three-dozen residents in attendance. (Photos by Terry Duffy and Wayne Peters).