New farm market/winery clears hurdles
By Terry Duffy
Following a public hearing last month that led to the tabling of the Bella Rose Farm Market/Winery proposal at 1243 Ridge Road over real property questions with Modern Disposal, the Lewiston Town Board moved forward Monday with a series of approvals.
"We do have SEQR's parts 1, 2 and 3 that were presented to the town," said attorney for town Ryan Parisi, as he discussed the approvals covering the special use permit/site plan procedures for the project. "It went before the Environmental Commission who recommended a negative declaration."
Following the SEQR review came the board's approval of the negative declaration on motions by councilmen Al Bax and John Jacoby. Soon after, on approvals for the special use permit/site plan, Parisi revealed the town recommended three Planning Board conditions: lighting be provided down the driveway for ingress and egress; the requirement of blacktop paving at the apron area of the driveway onto Ridge Road; and sightlines of Ridge Road be cleared of brush, etc., adjacent to the entrance.
Parisi told the board the Bella Rose plan was considered an allowable use under both New York Ag and Markets laws as well as town zoning laws. Following board discussions in support, the special use/site measures with all three provisions, likewise, went on to be approved by the board.
In other news:
•Keith Gawronski, P.E., senior design engineer for New York State Department of Transportation, Region 5, appeared before the board to discuss plans for an upcoming culvert replacement project on the southwest corner of Creek and Pletcher roads.
Scheduled to take place anywhere from April 2019 to December 2020, Gawronski said the project would involve three phases. Included are actual demolition and removal of the culvert; the placement of a new culvert and wing walls; followed by the placement of a new guardrail and re-establishing pavement at the intersection.
The DOT official said the work would involve a partial road closure on Pletcher Road between Calkins and Creek roads, and a detour in the area.
"The proposed detour route would be approximately 2.6 miles and divert traffic north along NY Route 18 (Creek Road), then west/south along Calkins Road to return to Pletcher Road," Gawronski said.
He noted the detour would be in place for up to three weeks, and he envisioned a likely timeframe of summer 2020 for the work.
Town officials advised Gawronski that a waterline replacement project would be continuing during this timeframe. In turn, he said DOT would work with town officials as well as Lewiston Police to address any unexpected disruptions from the project.
•The Town Board announced it would hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10, to consider a sewer rate increase for town property owners. Parisi said the plan calls for a 5-cent increase, from $3.50 per 1,000 gallons to $3.55 per 1,000 gallons.
The board's work session would follow that evening.
On a related note, the Town Board on Monday approved the 2019 sewer use agreement, plus a Modern Disposal leachate agreement covering one year.
•The Town Board approved an initial $500 funding request from the Lewiston Bicentennial Committee to cover start-up costs related to the town's bicentennial celebrations in 2022.