By Joshua Maloni
Managing Editor
Orchard Park developer James Jerge met with the Village of Lewiston special projects team on Wednesday. Alongside his architect and engineer, Jerge offered an update to his residential redevelopment project at 765 Fairchild Place - site of the former Fairchild Manor nursing home.
One year ago, Jerge was given permission to build a 23-unit, three-story Onondaga Street-facing multifamily apartment complex, as well as a six-unit townhome development on Fairchild Place.
Following the meeting this week, Village of Lewiston Projects Liaison W.E. "Skip" Hauth said, "They delivered to us the next round of plans, which is the construction detail, behind all of the information that has already been through the Planning Board. The Planning Board has given approvals to the site work and the exterior configuration and the color scheme. We now have the engineering detail on the rest of the buildout (finalized landscaping, utilities, foundations, installation, interior wood construction, etc.).
"We have, as of today, issued a building permit that will enable them to begin the process of earth works and civil work: clearing the site - the remaining debris, backfilling the holes that are there, tamping it, doing testing to be sure that the site is ready to receive concrete."
He added, "Once they get through that process, they'll be waiting for us to issue a building permit that will enable them to start pouring foundations and doing construction."
Hauth said his team will review the plans and respond back with any concerns or further directions en route to issuing the second building permit.
He explained, "We don't see anything as a team that is a technical limitation. They clearly understand the kinds of things that we want to see; the required inspections."
Hauth said preliminary work could begin next week, and actual construction may start before the end of the month.
"They are meeting both the requirement and the intent to bring what I believe is a high-quality project to the village," he said. "I think that their attitude is, for those of us who are looking at the technical details, 'If you want clarification, we'll provide that. If you want a modification to what we're doing, please let us know.' "
He added, "They are being very responsive. And I think they will be responsible to be sure that the project is treating the community with respect, as well as getting this thing up and running, so they can get some leasing going on and get some cash flow after ... years of being patient with us as we worked our way through with them for our requirements."
The nursing home building was demolished late last March and early April.
Jerge and his team met with Hauth, Building Inspector Ken Candella, Deputy Mayor Bruce Sutherland and Mayor Terry Collesano.
"It's going very smoothly, as far as I can see," Collesano said.
"As far as getting started, I'm excited about it, as many of us in the village are," the mayor added. "I complimented Jimmy today, and his team, for going through the procedure the way he has. He doesn't make us wonder about anything; guess about anything. He follows through, true to the cause.
"We're excited about it. We really are."