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Kelly's Country Store presented a pair of $1,000 checks Tuesday to two local beneficiaries.
Each year, Kelly's Country Store donates proceeds from its on-site fresh Christmas tree sales to worthy causes. This year, the Kelly family has directed its largess to the Ismailia Shriners Hospital Travel Fund and the Neurofibromatosis Northeast Foundation. Tuesday at Kelly's Country Store, located at 3121 Grand Island Blvd., Amanda Diamond, manager of Kelly's Country Store, gave checks for $1,000 to support the Ismailia Shriners, as well as the Manth family of Niagara Falls. The Kelly family has been active with the Shriners for years and has also supported the Manth family through various fundraising events since Leah Manth was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2, requiring multiple surgeries.
Pictured, from left, at the donation presentation Nov. 24 are Shriners Christian R. Sargent, outer guard; Kristopher J. Scheetz, chief rabban; James A. Mirruso, oriental guide; Amanda Diamond, manager at Kelly's Country Store; Dick Henderson, Ismailia Shrine president; Linda and John Manth and their daughter, Leah. (Photo by Larry Austin)