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By Jennifer Peters
The Town of Niagara Town Board met last Wednesday for a work session, where changes were discussed to make Colonial Village and Veterans Memorial parks better for the community.
The board considered the possibility of creating dog parks within Colonial Village Park.
"Colonial Village Park was at one time our primary site for ball fields, but it's not utilized anymore because of the park we have across the street, so a lot of the land is going to waste, and we have had discussion on finding a place for a new dog park," Supervisor Lee Wallace said. "What we would do is make two dog parks, one for large dogs and one for small dogs; they would be fenced in areas. They would basically take up the space that is now in the old ball fields, and there would still be a playground area there."
In terms of Veterans Memorial Park, the installation of dugouts for the ball fields was also reviewed at the work session. According to Wallace, a design will be prepared, which is to not exceed $2,500. He called the project a very necessary installation because of how unsafe it currently is for children.
Another item of discussion was permission for Wallace to sign the proposal for engineering services needed for the Belden Center Sewer Project, at a cost of $326,397. He explained the town will be receiving a certain amount of grants, including but not limited to, grants for the Environmental Protection Agency brownfield cleanup program and a veterans monument for a town park.
Some of the other items that were discussed at the work session were approving a prepayment for bands for Music Mania Mondays 2015, the consideration of the Green Environment Specialists Inc., located on 8335 Quarry Road in Niagara Falls, regarding the condition of the Town of Niagara code, chapter 208, and a resolution on aiding in the Niagara Countywide Government Efficiency Plan.