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New York State Sen. Rob Ortt and Assemblyman Paul Bologna present the Senate Liberty Medal to Liam Hedley and Hunter Marcello. (Submitted photo)
New York State Sen. Rob Ortt and Assemblyman Paul Bologna present the Senate Liberty Medal to Liam Hedley and Hunter Marcello. (Submitted photo)

Ortt presents Senate Liberty Medals to heroic middle schoolers for saving woman & her dog


Mon, Jan 27th 2025 10:45 am

Submitted by the Office of New York State Sen. Rob Ortt

On Friday, New York State Sen. Rob Ortt presented the New York State Senate Liberty Medal to Newfane Central School District students Liam Hedley and Hunter Marcello, whose quick actions saved a woman and her dog from drowning over the summer in Olcott.

“The Liberty Medal is the highest honor that can be bestowed by a senator,” Ortt said. “In order to be considered, one must take heroic, extraordinary action in service of others – and it’s safe to say Liam and Hunter showcased that when they sprang into action to save this woman’s life.”

On July 3 of last year, Liam and Hunter were fishing at the Newfane Marina when they noticed a pink kayak had overturned in the water and there was a woman waving her arms in the air. The boys ran to a nearby boat company owned by Liam’s father, where they launched a dinghy and were able to bring the woman aboard after several attempts. She was taken to a nearby hospital and expected to make a full recovery. The dog was rescued by a family member the woman had gone kayaking with.

The Newfane School District honored the boys at a recent board of education meeting, and they met with the superintendent to discuss the incident (in addition to their love of fishing and spending time near the water).

“Liam and Hunter were at the right place at the right time, and they were not afraid to take initiative during a precarious situation – we could have had a very different story if it weren’t for these brave young men; and I thank them for their courage and bravery at a moment’s notice,” Ortt said.

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