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Town of Porter gets down to business

Fri, Jan 17th 2025 07:00 am

Numerous approvals, appointments at reorganization session

Staff Reports

The Town of Porter set the stage for 2025 with its annual reorganizational meeting, held Jan. 2. The brief session saw a number of resolutions and routine procedural items approved.

Included were appointments, the town’s holiday and standard workday schedules, official designations, the naming of town officials to various positions/duties and their salaries.

Attorney Michael Dowd was reappointed for 2025 at a salary of $32,400, with his duties to include serving as town attorney and prosecutor, plus duties on the Planning and Zoning boards.

The town’s holiday schedule includes Monday, Jan. 20, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Monday, Feb. 17, President’s Day; Friday, April 18, Good Friday; Monday, May 26, Memorial Day; Friday, July 4, Independence Day; Monday, Sept. 1, Labor Day; Monday, Oct. 13, Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day (observed); Thursday and Friday, Nov. 27-28, Thanksgiving Day weekend; Thursday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day; and Friday, Dec. 26, post Christmas holiday.

Town Board meetings will take place at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month (excluding October) at Town Hall. The schedule includes Feb. 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, Sept. 8, Oct. 14 (Tuesday), Nov. 10 and Dec. 8.

Supervisor John “Duffy” Johnston was reappointed as the town’s budget officer.

Others named were Glenn M. Calvery, storm management control officer; and G@G Consulting and Grant Writing as the town’s grant writer on a $650 monthly retainer.

The board approved the town’s procurement policy. KeyBank was designated as its official bank, and various officials were authorized for purchases. The town’s IRS mileage rate was set at 70 cents per mile.

Leading off on a motion from Councilman Tim Adamson, seconded by Deputy Mayor Jeff Baker, the board set Johnston’s salary at $44,765.79 and $1,895.09 as budget officer.

Other 2025 salaries include Town Clerk Kara Hibbard, $50,775.03 (salary), $7,959.15 (town registrar), $6,769.94 (water collections), $3,764.30 (sewer collections) and $3,711.51 (tax collector).

Highway Superintendent Dave Burmaster, $45,065.01 (salary), $582.06 (buildings), $2,132.10 (parks), and $38,317.12 (Water/Sewer departments); and town justices Wayne Pollow and David Truesdale, $21,701.01 each. Also, Baker, $582.44, deputy supervisor, and $8,264.94, council member; and Jip Ortiz, Adamson and Larry White, council members, $8,264.94.

The Town Board approved new water/sewer adjustments. Effective Jan. 1, water rates are: 0-7,000 gallons, $24.01 minimum; 7,000-100,000 gallons, $3.43 per thousand; and over 100,000 gallons, $2.70 per thousand (irrigation rate).

The board set the New York State Parks water rate at 0-193,240 gallons, minimum charge of $405.80; and 193,240-999,999 gallons, $2.10 per thousand. The Village of Youngstown water rate was set at $2.30 per thousand. Approved sewer rates include Village of Youngstown, $1.40 per thousand; Fort Niagara State Park, $5.10 per thousand; and Town of Porter, 0-7,000 gallons, $55.51, and over 7,000 gallons, $7.93 per thousand. The town announced the treatment rate to the Town of Lewiston water treatment plant at $3.65 per thousand gallons. All water bills will be charged an additional 10% surcharge. The purpose will be to build up the town’s water reserve account for anticipated water infrastructure needs.

The Town Board approved a number of liaison appointments: CWM (Citizens Advisory Committee) – Johnston, Baker and Anthony Collard (Planning Board); Village of Youngstown – Johnston; Recreation Department – Larry White; Niagara Falls Area Chamber of Commerce – Baker; libraries – White; fire companies – Truesdale (Youngstown) and Baker (Ransomville); human relations – Johnston, Kimberli Boyer (budget officer) and Dowd; highways – Burmaster, Adamson and White; buildings – Truesdale, Johnston and Peter Jeffery (town building/code enforcement officer); Planning Board – Ortiz; Zoning Board of Appeals – Baker and White; historical societies – Ortiz; Upward Niagara Chamber of Commerce – Johnston and Baker; and the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (Restoration Advisory Board) – Johnston and all Town Board members.

Wrapping up, the Town Board approved a number of 2025 contracts as budgeted: Care-n-Share, $2,500; industrial development (NICAP), $4,000; American Legion O. Leo Curtiss Post, Ransomville (maintenance), $2,500; VFW Post 313, Youngstown, $2,500; Upward Niagara Chamber of Commerce annual contract, $7,500; Youngstown Free Library, $72,100; William J. McLaughlin Free Library (Ransomville), $72,100; Ransomville Historical Project, $2,000; Town of Porter Historical Society (program maintenance), $2,000; Ransomville Country Faire (Ransomville Historical Project), $1,000; Ransomville Business and Professional Association (community beautification), $1,500; Youngstown Business and Professional Association (community beautification), $1,500; Ransomville Garden Club (flowers), $800; Niagara Pioneer Soccer League, $500; Wilson Youth Baseball Program, $500; Ransomville Rural Retirees (Services of the Aging), $1,700; Niagara Gospel, $1,000; Youngstown Garden Club, $800; Old Fort Niagara, $5,000; Ransomville Lighting of the Wreaths, $2,000; and Ransomville Rural retirees (activity programs), $3,000.

For more information on the town’s various reorganization approvals, visit www.townofporter.net.

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