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Legislator David Godfrey congratulates Becky Wydysh as she takes her seat at the front of the Legislature Chamber after being reelected as chairman.
Legislator David Godfrey congratulates Becky Wydysh as she takes her seat at the front of the Legislature Chamber after being reelected as chairman.

Niagara County Legislature elects leaders at annual reorganization meeting


Wed, Jan 8th 2025 07:55 pm

Submitted by the Public Information Officer

The Niagara County Legislature held its annual reorganizational meeting Tuesday night, unanimously electing Legislator Becky Wydysh as chair for a sixth time. Wydysh was first elected chair in 2020.

Legislator Tony Nemi was reelected as vice chairman. Randy Bradt was reelected by the majority caucus as majority leader. Chris Robins was reelected by the minority caucus as minority leader.

“I very much appreciate the support from all my colleagues to continue as chairman for a sixth year, and again commit to operating the legislature with transparency, accountability and a healthy respect for all points of view,” Wydysh said.

The Niagara County Legislature also announced its 2025 meeting dates, which can be found at niagaracounty.gov. It also continued with the same chairs of each of the standing committees:

√ Administration: Legislator David Godfrey

√ Community services: Legislator Jesse Gooch

√ Community safety and security: Legislator Mike Hill

√ Economic development: Legislator Rich Andres

√ Infrastructure and facilities: Legislator Shawn Foti

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