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Submitted by Lion Justin Higner
In December, the Wheatfield Lions Club held its annual Christmas meeting and awards night. More than 20 people attended, representing not only members but also supporters of the organization, and their guests.
District 20-N Gov. Lion Bettie Stonebraker spoke of increasing and maintaining all levels of communication, both in members and supporter retention, but also in welcoming new people with social media, podcasts and other outlets being considered.
Among the awardees were Wheatfield Lions Club President Lion Roberta O'Toole, (Melvin Jones Fellow) and Lion Tom Kontak (Uplinger Award).
The Melvin Jones Award represents dedication to humanitarian service to the highest degree at the international level. The Uplinger Award honors outstanding people or organizations providing a significant service to their club, district or community. This is a District 20-N (New York/Bermuda) honor.
Lion Walter Garrow received the Progressive Melvin Jones Certificate as further recognition within the Melvin Jones Fellowship. Lion Mike Wells received the Lion of the Year Award, while brothers David and Daniel J. Stapleton earned the annual Bill Ross Community Service Award.
Lions Justin Higner, Kevin Maerten, Arthur Kroening, Chris Stanz, Sue Coleman, Michael Stanz and Rita Byrwa Kontak all received club and community service awards.
Lion Nancy Rosie was also a Community Service Award recipient.
Outside, next to the event pavilion, a beautiful pine tree was illuminated for the late Lion Ralph DeVantier (a 1973 Wheatfield Lions Club charter member.)