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Department of Labor announces new guidance to protect outdoor workers from extreme cold


Tue, Dec 17th 2024 07:50 pm

Expands on department’s efforts to ensure worker safety during extreme weather

Submitted by the New York State Department of Labor

The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) announced the release of new comprehensive guidance to help employers better protect outdoor workers during extreme cold weather. This initiative builds on NYSDOL’s ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of outdoor workers during extreme weather events, following the release of heavy precipitation, wildfire smoke and extreme heat guidance.

NYSDOL Commissioner Roberta Reardon said, “New Yorkers know that cold temperatures during the winter are part of life in the Empire State, but without suitable preparation and equipment, frigid weather can be dangerous. This new guidance provides New York businesses the tools they need to keep their employees safe during the winter.”

Bitterly cold temperatures and wind chill can make it dangerous to be outside for prolonged periods. Employers should limit workers’ time in frigid elements whenever possible. If workers must be outside, it is essential that employers take proactive steps to ensure worker safety. The new guidance outlines specific precautions that employers should take before, during, and after extreme cold weather events to keep outdoor workers safe. This includes critical recommendations for building a work/rest schedule based on wind chill levels, properly acclimatizing workers to cold weather, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and developing an emergency preparedness and training plan.

During extreme cold events, the guidance advises employers to engage in best practices such as:

√ Limit outdoor work, provide frequent breaks in warm areas, and schedule outdoor work during the warmest times of the day.

√ Ensure access to clean drinking water.

√ Have a written plan for handling acclimatization, extreme cold preparedness and emergency response.

√ Train workers and supervisors annually on cold preparedness plans and to recognize the symptoms of cold-related illnesses like hypothermia and frostbite. 

To keep themselves safe, workers should:

√ Stay hydrated with warm beverages and avoid drinking caffeine.

√ Wear proper PPE, including at least three layers of clothing, gloves or mittens, thick socks, insulated footwear and a hat, hood or hard hat liner.

The NYSDOL encourages all employers to utilize this guidance as needed to help keep workers safe amidst extreme cold temperatures. Ensuring worker safety in extreme weather conditions not only reduces the risk of illnesses, accidents and injuries, but also helps businesses save money by avoiding increased workers’ compensation claims, insurance costs, and decreases in productivity. In a unionized workplace, employers should negotiate in good faith and follow any collective bargaining agreement currently in place. 

For more information, including access to the full guidance documents, visit the NYSDOL’s extreme weather guidance page.

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