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Lewiston Police blotter for Aug. 30

Fri, Aug 30th 2024 07:00 am

The following activity occurred Monday, Aug. 12, to Sunday, Aug. 18, as reported by the Lewiston Police Department. LPD answered 337 calls during this period. For more information on arrests and other activity, visit the Lewiston Police Department’s mobile app or its page on Facebook.

Monday, Aug. 12

•5800 block of West Street, assist public – Caller reported a 1-year-old entered a vehicle with the keys inside and its doors locked. Patrol contacted a tow service to free the infant; parents and baby all secure.

•Military/Upper Mountain roads, assist public – Officer initiated call. Patrol responded to a two-vehicle accident. One vehicle struck a second while stopped at red light; no injuries reported and no tows. Accident exchange forms issued to drivers and report taken.

•4700 block of Hickory Lane, forgery – Suspected fraud complaint. Caller said he received a suspicious email he did not open or provide any information. Patrol advised; call cleared.

•Lewiston Road/Barton Drive, traffic complaint – Wireless 911 caller reported observing a two-vehicle road rage incident with subjects in both cars throwing items at each other. Caller said one driver exited a vehicle wearing a cape and throwing items. Patrol responded and checked area with negative results.

•700 block of The Circle Drive, assist public – Daughter annoying 911 caller and attempting to steal her vehicle. Officers responded and spoke with both females; the daughter was advised not to drive the vehicle as she has a suspended license and would be arrested. Both parties advised to separate from each other and not speak. Call cleared.

•LPD patrol activity – Calls officer initiated. Multiple vehicle/traffic stops throughout the village and town for motor vehicle violations; one driver cited for violations with uniform traffic tickets issued for Lewiston Town Court. Patrols issued four warnings to other drivers for violations.

Tuesday, Aug. 13

•911 block of Pletcher Road, animal complaint – 911 complaint, dog barking, ongoing issue. Patrol unable to make contact with owner; animal secured in yard. All otherwise secure.

•400 block of Ridge Street, theft – 911 caller reported paperwork was taken from an apartment. Caller told officers a red duffle bag containing personal papers went missing over the last 12 hours. Male suspect living somewhere in the village suspected.

•5400 block of Townline Road, forgery – Caller reported making an insurance payment online and mistakenly clicking an ad that duplicated the charges on her bank account. Caller disputed billing; patrol’s report to be completed.

•4700 block of Lower River Road, assist public – Caller reported a neighbor cutting down trees on the property. Both parties informed officers the property line was in dispute due to survey markers being removed from the ground. Subjects advised to get the property resurveyed; patrol said the complaint was a civil matter and can be handled in small claims court.

•4700 block of Lauren Court, lost/found property – Drone found in the yard; patrol secured same and entered into evidence log. Receipt issued to caller. Patrol cleared.

•300 block of South First Street, suspicious activity – 911 caller reported a vehicle hidden in the bushes in the driveway. Officers secured premises and advised owner; no charges at this time.

•400 block of S. Fourth Street, Artpark, special detail – Officers on location for Artpark concert. •LPD patrol activity – Calls officer initiated. Multiple vehicle/traffic stops throughout the village and town for motor vehicle violations; 19 drivers cited for violations with uniform traffic tickets issued for Lewiston Town Court. Patrols issued six warnings to other drivers for violations.

Wednesday, Aug. 14

•Kenwood/Lower River roads, assist – 911 caller reported a line down across the roadway with vehicles driving over it. National Grid notified.

•N. Fifth Street/Chicora Road, mental health check – Officer initiated call. Patrols on location; report taken.

•5800 block of West Street, harassment – Phone complaint, patrols responded, report taken.

•400 block of Mountain View Drive, alarm burglary – Residential burglary alarm; library glass break reported by provider. Officers responded; all secure.

Thursday, Aug. 15

•4300 block of N. Fifth Street, suspicious activity – Caller reported a male walking down the roadway and stopping in front of each driveway. Patrol responded.

•2000 block of River Road, warrant service – Male caller wished to turn himself in on a warrant; patrol responded.

•500 block of Irving Drive, warrant service – Per 911 call, warrant execution. Patrols responded, report taken.

•1400 block of Ridge Road, MVA-property damage – Per 911 call, two-vehicle accident, no injures. Patrol said the driver of second vehicle had slowed and attempted a right-hand turn into a driveway. Vehicle struck by driver No. 1, who passed on a right shoulder on roadway, sideswiping the turning vehicle. No tows; accident report taken.

•LPD patrol activity – Calls officer initiated. Multiple vehicle/traffic stops throughout the village and town for motor vehicle violations; one driver cited for violations with uniform traffic ticket issued for Lewiston Town Court. Patrols issued six warnings to other drivers for violations.

Friday, Aug. 16

•700 block of Center Street, suspicious activity – 911 caller reported a black sedan with a male sleeping in the roadway. Officers responded; report taken.

•5300 block of Military Road, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, assist public – 911 caller reported a missing wedding ring following an MRI procedure; ring was secured in locker and owner had only key. Patrol checked video and found no evidence of theft at this time. Report taken.

•N. Fourth/Center streets, suspicious activity – Caller reported a suspicious male in the area for many hours staring at a church building. Patrol said the male was kicked out the house earlier and was just clearing his head; subject no threat to himself or others. Patrol cleared.

•5800 block of Military Road, traffic complaint/K-9 incident – 911 caller reported a road rage incident in progress with vehicles racing across the grass. Patrols responded; LPD K-9 assisted on road rage complaint and gave a positive alert for a substance to officers. Call handled.

•2300 block of Upper Mountain Road, criminal investigation – Order of protection violation; officers responded.

•800 block of Oriole Lane, disturbance non-domestic – 911 caller reported a party of four subjects physically fighting and yelling. Group dispersed prior to patrol’s arrival; area checked with negative results.

•LPD patrol activity – Calls officer initiated. Multiple vehicle/traffic stops throughout the village and town for motor vehicle violations; one driver cited for violations with uniform traffic tickets issued for Lewiston Town Court. Patrols issued seven warnings to other drivers for violations.

Saturday, Aug. 17

•1200 block of Saunders Settlement Road, suspicious activity – Officer initiated call. Patrol reported two suspicious males in a parking lot near a building. No damages found and patrols said it did not appear a crime was committed. Both parties given courtesy ride to Niagara Falls by LPD.

•800 block of Pletcher Road, domestic disturbance – 911 caller reported a husband-wife arguing; verbal argument only. Patrol found all calm on arrival; male left the residence to cool off and give each other space.

•600 block of Center Street, assist public – Officer initiated call. Patrol on standby for a possible family issue at a Mass service.

•5500 block of Bridgeman Road, suspicious activity – 911 caller reported a male jumping in front of passing vehicles. Officers responded.

•Niagara Scenic Parkway/Ridge Road, check welfare – 911 call, male climbing over the guardrail. Male told officers he was attempting to listen to the Artpark concert. Subject sent on his way.

•800 block of Oriole Lane, assist public – Family member accused of attempting to sell items at the caller’s house that were given to her more than a year ago. Patrol advised caller to retain the items inside the house to avoid future problems and to recontact LPD if needed.

•LPD patrol activity – Calls officer initiated. Multiple vehicle/traffic stops throughout the village and town for motor vehicle violations; three drivers cited for violations with uniform traffic tickets issued for Lewiston Town Court. Patrols issued eight warnings to other drivers for violations.

Sunday, Aug. 18

•2400 block of Upper Mountain Road, forgery – Caller reported a $50 counterfeit bill taken for merchandise at a business. Patrol determined said currency to be counterfeit after examining the bill under special lighting; investigation continuing for a suspect and $50 secured as evidence. Report taken.

•Locations on the 100 block of S. Water Street, at Military/Upper Mountain roads, and on the 1000 block of Swann Road, three MVA property damage accidents – Patrols responded to separate reports of two-vehicle accidents. Statements taken from all parties; no injuries reported and no tows; accident exchange forms issued and reports taken.

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