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Erie County overdose prevention task force's meeting outlines current data & new initiatives


Mon, Aug 5th 2024 03:00 pm

Workgroups shared updates within new structure; county introduced 2023 annual report and new monthly report series, and shared ‘Detect to Protect’ awareness campaign

Submitted by the Erie County Department of Health

Erie County held its quarterly overdose prevention task force meeting on Monday.

“There’s been a lot of talk in the media about what is happening in our community related to addiction and overdoses. What we are seeing in Erie County isn’t much different than what I’m hearing from my colleagues in other counties across the nation,” Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said. “More individuals who are dying are older, and they are generally individuals who are using other substances, including cocaine. These are individuals who don’t believe they have a problem, and who are harder to reach.”

Poloncarz continued. “On behalf of Erie County, I want to thank the task force for continuing to focus on ways we can create a safer community for all. In the end, it’s about saving people’s lives.”

Office of Harm Reduction Director Stephen White and staff introduced the office’s 2023 annual report and new monthly data report series, and described trends in opioid overdose and opioid-related fatality data. Highlights of outreach and education activities included:

 √ Launch of overdose fatality review program – volunteers needed 

√ “Detect to Protect” message campaign launched in July 

√ International Overdose Awareness Day activities planned for Aug. 30

√ Working with MATTERS Network for Narcan vending machine placement in Erie County

Fatality data show the proportion of Black/African American deaths has reached one in three deaths based on 2023 and 2024 reports. This is a significant increase and shows that opioid overdose deaths are disproportionately affecting Black and African American residents. Data also shows that about three out of four overdose fatalities are people who die in or near their home – about 64% are found at their home address and another 10% die in their home’s ZIP code.

Overdose deaths are affecting older adults. Deaths among people ages 50 and older represent about 43% of reports for 2024. Further, for 2024 to date, about two thirds (67%) of overdose deaths involved cocaine.

Office of Harm Reduction highlights, 2024

√ 23,104 Narcan kits distributed 

√ 129 Narcan use trainings held 

√ ~2,400 people trained 

√ ~100 tabling events 

√ 1,600 leave-behind kits distributed by first responders

Workgroup reports

Dr. Jeffery Lach from Catholic Health Systems shared how the health care provider workgroup is working to routinize substance use disorder treatment within health care systems, identify primary care patients with SUD, and ensure these patients receive appropriate care.

First responders workgroup co-chair Kenneth Peterson outlined current outreach to first responders within fire, police and emergency medical services. First responders see patients for reasons other than overdose, and are in a unique position to provide support and supplies.

Treatment providers workgroup co-chair Julianna Everdyke is deduplicating work to better focus resources. The group meets monthly with representation from treatment and prevention providers, peer and advocacy programs, family members, ECDOH and NYS OASAS staff.

Harm reduction workgroup co-chair Jennifer Garrigan spoke to overlaps between harm reduction outreach. This group is identifying services missing in our community and how to bridge those gaps. This involves engaging with people who have used or who are using drugs – they are closest to the issue and have valuable insight on responses that will work.

Education, advocacy and support workgroup co-chairs Barbara Burns and Kenneth Gaston explained the importance of awareness versus outreach, with plans to create 15-30 second public service announcements with a theme, the “Numbers Are Up,” by the end of September.

Community Opioid Response Director Taylor Winter described past and anticipated opioid settlement fund distribution.

2023 annual report

•Documents non-fatal and fatal overdose trends from 2022-23, with maps and data by ZIP code 

•Describes Office of Harm Reduction’s Narcan and fentanyl/xylazine test strip distribution, training and peer navigator outreach 

•Highlights Erie County and Office of Harm Reduction initiatives

June 2024 monthly report summary

•Non-fatal overdose reports increased in June over prior months

•Fentanyl test strip distribution substantially increased 

√ On pace to exceed 50,000 strips distributed by end of year

•Xylazine test strip distribution substantially increased

√ Supply chain issues resolved

•Significant increase in outreach efforts

√ More opportunities as summer events begin

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