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Bryan Plunkett, right, president of the Historical Association of Lewiston and Lewiston Museum, welcomes newly elected board of trustee members Jillian Stokes, Leandra Collesano and Mary Wilkinson.
Bryan Plunkett, right, president of the Historical Association of Lewiston and Lewiston Museum, welcomes newly elected board of trustee members Jillian Stokes, Leandra Collesano and Mary Wilkinson.

HAL welcomes new board members


Fri, Jul 12th 2024 07:00 am

Submitted by the Historical Association of Lewiston

Historical Association of Lewiston President Bryan Plunkett welcomed new members to the organization's board of trustees on Wednesday, July 10.

He said, "We are thrilled to welcome our three newly elected board members to the Historical Association and look forward to their leadership in guiding our organization to the next level in preserving and promoting our rich heritage.

“Leandra Collesano is our former president who brings a wealth of experience to the Historical Association and Museum. We are proud of her outstanding record of achievement here and are so grateful she considered renewing her involvement. We missed her and are glad she returned to volunteer her valued time and talents.

“Mary Wilkinson is from Ransomville and is a long-time volunteer museum docent. She loves local history and has lived in the area since 1960. Her ideas and input will go a long way in helping us improve our visitor experience.

“Jillian Stokes has a passion for history, museums and architecture and looks forward to participating in our active event schedule. She, along with her Apple Granny co-worker and fellow board member, Jennifer D’Antuono, will provide the leadership we need to help us achieve our goals for the year.”

In other business, this year’s “Lewiston Jeopardy” is set for Thursday evening, Sept. 12, at Bella Rose Winery on Ridge Road. Reservations can be made by calling the Lewiston Museum at 716-754-4214.

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