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WNY Regional Economic Development Council to hold CFA workshop & 'road shows'


Fri, Jun 7th 2024 12:20 pm

ESD taking its expertise on the road to help those seeking state funding available through $445M REDC initiative; individuals, businesses, organizations, labor & education representatives welcome to attend

Submitted by the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council

The Western New York Regional Economic Development Council (WNYREDC) is presenting a consolidated funding application (CFA) workshop and a series of “road show” events for those interested in applying for funds through the latest round of the Regional Economic Development Council initiative. Round XIV includes $445 million in core capital grant and tax-credit funding combined with a wide range of programs from eight state agencies, including $100 million in grant funds from Empire State Development (ESD), available to projects on a continuous basis.

The plans follow Gov. Kathy Hochul’s May announcement of the launch of round XIV of the REDC initiative. Potential state funding applicants can ask questions about various agency grant programs managed through the CFA and that align with WNYREDC strategies. The WNYREDC serves Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara counties.

A number of state agency representatives will be on hand to answer questions about the round XIV grant programs at the CFA workshop at Buffalo State University on Thursday, June 13. The workshop will feature agencies including: ESD; Department of State (DOS); Homes & Community Renewal (HCR); New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NY State Parks); Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC); and the New York Power Authority (NYPA).

In addition, economic development professionals from ESD will be traveling throughout the five-county region to talk to potential applicants at a series of “road shows.”

The WNYREDC encourages businesses, educational institutions, local governments, not-for-profit groups and other stakeholders to attend a session at one of the following dates and locations (local events listed): 

•Thursday, June 13 – CFA Workshop – Erie County: 1-4 p.m. at Buffalo State University Bulger Communications Building, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo. RSVP here.

•Thursday, June 20 – Niagara County ESD “road show”: 2-4 p.m. at the Niagara Falls Convention Center, 101 Old Falls Blvd. RSVP here.

To learn more about the WNYREDC, visit http://regionalcouncils.ny.gov/content/western-new-york.

The Regional Economic Development Council initiative is a key component of the state's approach to state investment and economic development. In 2011, 10 regional councils were established to develop long-term strategic plans for economic growth for their regions. The councils are public-private partnerships made up of local experts and stakeholders from business, academia, local government, and non-governmental organizations. The regional councils have redefined the way New York invests in jobs and economic growth by putting in place a community-based, bottom-up approach and establishing a competitive process for state resources. Learn more at https://regionalcouncils.ny.gov/.

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