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Retired Lewiston-Porter teacher John Loss has written a book on 13 Niagara Falls residents who experienced being homeless many times in their lives. He said the idea for “...Not Always Homeless” came to him as he would see homeless individuals in and around his hometown of Niagara Falls. Loss knew they were not always homeless, so he decided to write a book about them.
He said, “This gives ‘a voice’ to their being homeless, trying to survive looking for the three basic necessities of life – food, clothing and shelter – each and every day.”
Loss taught for 33 years at Lew-Port in the subjects of industrial arts and career education. His first 16 years were at Lew-Port Junior High School, with his final years spent teaching at Lew-Port Senior High School.
All book sales proceeds go directly to Help and Hope for Homeless Inc.
Lewis Bean, the owner of Hill of Beans Coffee Stop, is providing time and space for this book sale and signing event. Hill of Beans Coffee Stop is located at 440 Main St., Youngstown. The book sale and signing will take place from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 17.