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Veterans of Foreign Wars Lake Ontario Post 313 Auxiliary presented a Memorial Day event in the 1812 Cemetery at Old Fort Niagara. The service was led by post Cmdr. Ed Jackson. Prayers were led by chaplain and Post Judge Advocate Kurt Mieth, and the Rev. Cole Webster, pastor of St. Peter R.C. Parish. Boy Scout Troop 829 of Youngstown presented the colors. Lew Custode played “O Canada,” “The Star-Spangled Banner” and taps. Maureen Gambino sang the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “America” and “America the Beautiful.” The service included the laying of wreaths and a reading of the Gettysburg Address.
(Photos by Wayne Peters)
Post Cmdr. Ed Jackson explains the Soldiers Cross.
Father Cole Webster, pastor of St. Peter R.C. Parish, leads the crowd in prayer.
Tolling the bell for service members who have passed away during the past year.