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The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) will conduct its 31st annual national food drive on Saturday, May 13. The “Stamp Out Hunger & Food Drive” is the country's largest one-day food drive, collecting about 1.82 billion pounds of food since its inception in 1983.
Here on Grand Island, everything collected will be donated to the Neighbors Foundation – our local, all-volunteer food pantry that provides confidential food assistance to Islanders.
To donate, please leave a sturdy bag containing unexpired nonperishable foods, such as canned soup, canned vegetables, canned meats and fish, pasta, rice or cereal next to your mailbox before the regular mail delivery on Saturday, May 13.
If you see your mail carrier, please say thank you to them for all that they do every day – and especially for the extra work involved in this selfless and worthwhile effort to benefit our Grand Island neighbors.
For questions on the letter carrier efforts, contact Chris Amato at 716-534-6815.
To volunteer at the Neighbors Foundation pantry on Saturday, May 13, to receive and organize the donated food, contact David Conboy at 716-773-7476.