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On Monday, New York State Sen. Sean Ryan was awarded the Daniel O’Connell Award at the annual St. Patrick’s dinner hosted by the American-Irish Legislators Society of New York.
Ryan’s team said, “The Daniel O’Connell Award is named for the famous Irish nationalist, known as The Liberator and The Emancipator, who was Ireland’s predominant politician in the first half of the 19th century. The society presents the award annually to a state legislator demonstrating untiring dedication, promotion, and continuing support of the goals of the American-Irish Legislators Society of New York.
“The American-Irish Legislators Society of New York, founded in 1973, is a bipartisan organization composed of members of the New York State Legislature. They are committed to promoting awareness of Irish culture, ties between Ireland and New York, and fellowship among legislators who are of Irish descent or who have an interest in Ireland and in the American-Irish community.” More information can be found at americanirishlegislators.org
Ryan said, “It is a tremendous honor to receive an award named after Daniel O’Connell. His faith in the power of representative democracy to make lasting change that lifts up all citizens made him the type of public servant that every elected official should aspire to be. I am grateful to the American-Irish Legislators Society of New York for this recognition, and I accept the award as a reminder of the great responsibility that we in the state legislature have to each and every one of our constituents.”