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The Lewiston Council on the Arts will hold a meet and greet to welcome incoming Executive Director Maria Fortuna Dean. The event will take place from 3-5 p.m. Saturday, March 25, at the Lewiston Public Library, 305 S. Eighth St.
LCA stated, “Maria Fortuna Dean, a native of Niagara Falls, has had an illustrious career as a performing artist, educator and director. She has sung leading roles with opera companies and orchestras throughout the United States and Europe, has taught on the voice faculties of UCLA, CalArts and Carnegie Mellon University, and was director of opera at Pasadena City College.”
The event will include live music, an art exhibit by local artist Cynthia Jozwik-Burge, and light refreshments.
A press release stated, “Learn about upcoming events planned by the Lewiston Council on the Arts for 2023. There will also be a membership drive, sign-ups for volunteers for the Lewiston Art Festival, and an opportunity to vote for the programs and activities that you would most like the Lewiston Council on the Arts to present.”
This event is hosted by the Lewiston Public Library in partnership with the Lewiston Council on the Arts.