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Wheatfield Lions Club and President Lion Chris Stanz recently hosted 20-N District Gov. Michael Yost, who gave an all-encompassing presentation that included a special message and bit from the international president. 2nd District Gov. Lion Barry Scott assisted.
Yost announced aid to come for victims of the recent blizzard. Lion Roberta O'Toole provided an excellent hunter’s pork and goat stew, while she and others provided dessert. Later, the Club awarded several honors to Lions, including to Past President Lion Walter Garrow and his Outstanding Project Award; Lions Kevin Maerten and Barbara Rogers for their Appreciation and Innovation Awards; Lions Nancy Rosie and Mary Beth-Long for their 10-Year Certificates; Past President Lion Mary Beth-Long and her Exceptional Service Award; and Lion Justin J. M. Higner as Member of the Year.
Other honored members included club treasurer Lion Bob Cliffe, Lion Tom Kontak, Lion Angela Stamm-Philipps, new member Lion Mike Wills and past presidents Lions Bill Ross and Arthur Kroening.
Niagara County Public Health Director Daniel J. Stapleton could not attend, but was bestowed the annual Bill Ross Community Service Award.
A press release said, “Many of those in need depend on organizations like Lions Clubs International to help overcome many trials, and every helping hand and heart counts!"
(Submitted by Lion Justin Higner)