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Continuing a long-standing tradition, the Rotary Club of Lewiston and Niagara-on-the-Lake held its annual Christmas dinner at Fortunas in Niagara Falls. The evening included friends of Rotary, representatives of the group’s causes, and members of the community who have supported its projects.
“The club was delighted to give back to the communities on both sides of the Niagara River as it has for the last 83 years,” said Thomas Gerbasi, club secretary and past president.
Shown, as they prepare for the check presentation, are Rotarian Kathy Gerbasi, Thomas Gerbasi, Patty McIntosh from Care-n-Share Food Pantry, Katie Gaisser from Old Fort Niagara, Rotary Club President Leslie Scibilia, and Maryann Cogdill, R.N., director of maternity service at Mount St. Mary's Hospital. (Not shown are representatives from Newark Neighbours and Start Me Up Niagara). (Submitted photo)