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Appointments strongly recommended for this joint vaccine clinic
The Erie County Department of Health and John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital (OCH) are coordinating a pediatric COVID-19 vaccine clinic from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday, July 9, for children ages 6 months to 4 years. It will be held at Oishei Children’s Hospital, 818 Ellicott St., Buffalo.
ECDOH stated, “This clinic follows a series of successful COVID-19 vaccine clinics held last fall by the two organizations, when the first COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for children ages 5 to 11 years old.”
OCH pediatric physicians and medical staff will administer COVID-19 vaccines at the clinic, with ECDOH staff supporting vaccine distribution and data entry. OCH volunteers and therapy dogs will be available to provide support for parents and children. Masks are required at this site for individuals aged 2 years and older who are able to medically tolerate a face covering. Parents and caregivers should bring the child’s birth certificate or other identifying documentation.
Appointments are strongly suggested; visit www.erie.gov/vax and select the July 9 date. Only the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is available at this clinic. Children receiving a first dose on July 9 will automatically be scheduled for a second dose for Saturday, Aug. 6, also at OCH. First, second and booster doses for accompanying family members will be available.
Pediatric and family medicine practices continue to receive COVID-19 vaccine supplies from ECDOH. Parents and caregivers may call their child’s pediatrician or primary care provider to ask about COVID-19 vaccine availability through their medical practice.
ECDOH also offers COVID-19 vaccine for this under-4-year age group on Wednesdays at the Jesse Nash Health Center at 608 William St., Buffalo. Appointments are strongly recommended; make an appointment online at www.erie.gov/vax. This vaccine clinic is open for ages 5 and older 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays on days the ECDOH clinics are open.
For more:
√ ECDOH, COVID-19 testing: http://www.erie.gov/covid/covid-19-testing
√ ECDOH, COVID-19 vaccine clinics: www.erie.gov/vax