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Buffalo Council Member Ulysees O. Wingo Sr. and American Medical Response, a leader in the delivery of 911 emergency and non-emergency interfacility transportation throughout Erie and Niagara counties, will offer two free “Stop the Bleed” trainings to Buffalo-area residents. The trainings, which will be held this Saturday at Delavan-Grider Community Center, are focused on empowering individuals to help in bleeding emergencies.
A press release noted, “ ‘Stop the Bleed’ training is a hands-on class that teaches the basics of identifying and treating life-threatening bleeding using tourniquets, wound packing and pressure dressings. A person can die from blood loss within five minutes, so it’s important to quickly stop the bleeding. Bystanders can take simple steps to keep an injured person alive until the appropriate medical care is available.”
Training is set for 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, June 25, at Delavan-Grider Community Center, 877 E. Delavan Ave.
More than 28,000 AMR paramedics, EMTs, RNs and other professionals work together to transport more than 4.8 million patients nationwide each year in critical, emergency and non-emergency situations. AMR also provides fire services through Rural Metro Fire Department, www.ruralmetrofire.com. For more information about AMR, visit www.amr.net.
AMR is part of the Global Medical Response family. For more information, visit www.globalmedicalresponse.com.