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Katie Gundell, principal of St. John Lutheran School at Ward Road and Niagara Falls Boulevard, announced the honor roll for the third quarter marking period of the 2021-22 academic year.
Grade 6
•Merit – Lydia Barry, Makayla Mamot and Adelaide Willis
•Honor – Elizabeth Barry, Eli Christ, Alex Koch, Phoebe Northrup, Elyse Redmond, Trent Snider and Jacob Wentz.
Grade 7
•Merit – Drake Grant and Jared Volz.
•Honor – Jakob Allen, Nina Scirri, Tiana King, John Bahr and Ashlyn Mohr.
•High Honor – Timothy Augustine, Addison Christ, Chastity Greene, Emma Heisner, Eva Jimenez and Lydia Reed.
Grade 8
•Merit – Elijah Greene, Gianna Miscardo and David Steffen.
•Honor – Alizah Barry, Beth Cook, Ethan Cook, Emily Kroening, Elliana Maziarz, Carter Redmond and Madison Smith.
•High Honor – Kaylee Janik and Jacob Richards.