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Health system collecting donations from the public at its Genesee Street headquarters
Submitted by Catholic Health
The crisis in Ukraine has affected millions of people fighting for their country – and millions more fleeing their homeland to protect their families – leaving loved ones and possessions behind. It has also affected people here in Western New York, as we watch this tragedy unfold before our eyes in graphic news reports. For Ukrainian-Americans in our community, many with family and friends in Ukraine, it is an especially heart-wrenching time.
Inspired by Ukrainian-American members of our Catholic Health family – and a chance meeting close to home that left a lasting impression (Find your Yanna) – our health system is joining two humanitarian relief efforts to support the people of Ukraine.
In Catholic Health, we have a number of Ukrainian-American clinicians and service professionals working throughout our system. Click here to hear in their own words what this war means to them.
How You Can Help
Over the past few weeks, this conflict has spurred an ever-growing refugee crisis, leaving many vulnerable families in need of basic supplies, and our associates and others in our community asking, “What can we do to help?” In an effort to show our support for the citizens of Ukraine, Catholic Health is collecting supplies and monetary donations to send to the impacted communities. The community is invited to join in this collection effort.
Based on recommendations from our associates, the following items will be collected and sent to the Ukrainian Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, where they will be packaged and shipped to relief teams in Ukraine, as well as refugee locations. All donations must be new, in original packaging, unopened, and with an expiration date no greater than six months.
•Baby food (cereal and pouches)
•Powdered baby formula
•Baby wipes
•Blankets (baby and adult)
•Diapers (baby and adult)
•Feminine products
•Granola and protein bars (boxed, not singles)
From now until March 31, donation drop-offs can be made at the following locations:
√ Catholic Health Administrative & Regional Training Center, 144 Genesee St., Buffalo
6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday
√ Ukrainian Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 200 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga (716-684-0738)
4:30-7 p.m. Monday through Thursday
Monetary donations can be made to the Ukrainian American Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization providing medical and humanitarian aid to war victims in Ukraine.