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Lewiston-Porter United Educational Employees announce the successful completion of its second annual fundraiser raffle to support Inter Community Service’s Care-N-Share. The food pantry helps to support families struggling with food insecurity in Lewiston, Youngstown, Ransomville and Wilson, overlapping Lew-Port’s footprint.
LPUEE’s executive council raised a total of $1,270 by selling raffle tickets to colleagues on the Lew-Port campus. The union donated a $50 Amazon gift card and gratefully receive a Lew-Port-themed swag basket from the district’s active PTSA group to add to the prize. Jessica G. from the district office won the raffle drawing.
Lewiston Porter United Educational Employees represents a diverse group of people who work as teacher aides, personal care aides and monitors at Lewiston-Porter Central School District. These school-related professionals work directly to support the community’s students to be their best and make the most of their time at Lew-Port.
From left: Nancy Bullis (LPUEE building representative), Kim Sembert (LPUEE president), Rhonda Shiah (Inter Community Services board member), Yokasta Munoz (LPUEE building representative), and Julia Pucci (LPUEE secretary).