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The Niagara County Department of Health (NCDOH) announced free rapid coronavirus testing will be available for all Niagara County residents. Starting, Wednesday, Feb. 9, testing will be offered at the Doris W. Jones, Family Resource Center at 3001 Ninth St., Niagara Falls. Testing will be available from 9 a.m. noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
“Although there are many testing sites available for the public, Niagara County Department of Health wants to provide barrier-free testing in an area with continued high rates of COVID-19 infection,” Public Health Director Daniel J. Stapleton said. “There is no cost for testing, and health insurance information is not required.”
Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. Registration may be completed online at https://on.ny.gov/3J3TiD0, or onsite upon arrival.
A rapid antigen test will be performed using a nasal swab. Results will be available after 15 minutes.
“Anyone experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or who was exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19, should seek testing,” NCDOH Director of Nursing Adrienne Kasbaum said. “We recommend testing five days after exposure to a confirmed case.”
Stapleton added, “We are grateful for the partnership with the Niagara Falls Housing Authority to host the testing clinics, and encourage Niagara County residents to take advantage of this service.”
For more information on COVID-19 and testing, visit: https://www.niagaracounty.com/health/COVID.