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The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops is now accepting applications for its annual scholarship program to support Western New York high school seniors aspiring to careers in the foodservice and hospitality industries. This year’s program will award four recipients with a $500 scholarship to be applied toward non-tuition expenses, such as room, board, books and fees. At least one scholarship will be awarded to a student in the City of Buffalo.
“Every great chef starts out as a student. We hope to encourage the next generation of talented restaurant and hospitality professionals through the Taste of Buffalo scholarship program,” said 2022 Taste of Buffalo Chair Luke Baecker. “As a not-for-profit organization, giving back to the community is important to us, and this is one of the most impactful ways we can do that each year.”
To be eligible for any of the above scholarships, students must be residents of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming, Genesee, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus or Allegany counties, and have enrolled in a two- or four-year college in a foodservice or hospitality degree program.
For additional scholarship criteria and to download an application, visit tasteofbuffalo.com/scholarships.
The application deadline is Wednesday, April 20. All applications will be reviewed by the Taste’s scholarship committee. Recipients will be notified no later than May 5.
The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops is the nation's largest two-day food festival. The 39th annual event will take place July 9-10 along Delaware Avenue and Niagara Square in downtown Buffalo. The Taste is a not-for-profit organization with more than 1,000 volunteers helping to put on the annual event. Approximately $543,000 has been raised at the festival for local charities, including scholarships awarded annually to local high school seniors pursuing a culinary or hospitality-related degree. For more information, visit tasteofbuffalo.com, or find TOB @tasteofbuffalo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.