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Elected and spiritual leaders were on hand at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital in Lewiston on Friday afternoon for a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
A press release noted, “Catholic Health continues its commitment to providing high-quality health care in Niagara County with the opening of a new helipad at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital.”
Mercy Flight flew a helicopter in to inaugurate the new take-off and landing site. The Most Rev. Michael W. Fisher, bishop of Buffalo, blessed the helipad. Those offering remarks included New York State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital President CJ Urlaub and Mercy Flight President Margaret Ferrentino.
The press release continued, “Emergency air transport provides a safer, faster alternative to ground transport, saving at least 30 minutes in valuable transfer time from Lewiston to Erie County. While the majority of patients who enter the emergency department at Mount St. Mary’s, a New York State Designated Stroke Center, are treated right at the hospital, those who require a higher level of care will benefit from this accelerated transport.
“In addition to complex stroke cases, patients with critical cardiac, renal, pulmonary and septic conditions may also benefit from emergency transport via the new helipad.”
The landing site is located in the south (main) parking lot, adjacent to the emergency room at 5300 Military Road.
As part of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Diocese of Buffalo Bishop the Most Rev. Michael W. Fisher blessed the new helipad at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital.
(Photos by Mark Williams Jr.)