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Glynn Family Services Center provides multiple services
The Most Rev. Michael W. Fisher, bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo, recently visited Catholic Charities Glynn Family Services Center and its adjacent Children’s Clinic, both on Tronolone Place in Niagara Falls. In addition to touring the offices and blessing the sites, Fisher met members of the James and Mary Glynn family and recognized their generous support.
The renovations that created a multiservice center, which opened in 2019 at 625 Tronolone in the former St. Joseph School on the campus of Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Parish, were funded in part with an earlier generous gift from the James and Mary Glynn family. Catholic Charities named the center in honor of the Glynn family at that time in recognition of their gift and long-time, significant dedication to Catholic Charities. Financial support for the $2.4 million project also was made possible through the City of Niagara Falls and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.
During the visit last month, Fisher met James and Mary Glynn, and their daughter and son-in-law, Beth and Joe Ieraci.
The bishop gave a blessing inside the entrance of the Glynn Center in front of three plaques recognizing the contributions of the Glynn family, the parishioners, pastors and Appeal volunteers, and the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany who served the school and parish for a century.
As Bishop Michael Fisher blesses the center, from left are Sister Mary McCarrick, Joe and Beth Ieraci making the sign of the cross.
The tour continued across the street at Catholic Charities Children's Clinic where Bishop Michael Fisher also blessed that site and met staff.
“We build love,” Fisher said. “What St John Paul II referred to as that civilization of love, that community of love, that’s what this wonderful mission and effort is here at Catholic Charities, along with all of the various services. This is our way as Catholics, as Christians and children of God, of reaching out with compassion, gentleness, humility, patience and with love, exercising these virtues among our workers as well as our church for those who are in unfortunate circumstances and who are vulnerable. And in that we build this wonderful community, this wonderful environment of love.”
Among those also on hand were Clara Moran, Catholic Charities chief development officer; Robert Goods, Catholic Charities Niagara County district director; Sister Mary McCarrick, former Catholic Charities diocesan director; Rev. Duane Klizek, Holy Family church pastor; and Monsignor David LiPuma, former pastor St. Peter Church in Lewiston and current pastor of OLV National Shrine & Basilica in Lackawanna.
The Glynns and Fisher toured the offices, learning about the programs housed at the center, which include basic emergency assistance, housing assistance, Domestic Violence Program for Men and Caring Dads, the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, and the multisystemic therapy program.
Also located at the site and a part of the tour was the St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Center of Niagara Falls, a ministry of the Diocese of Buffalo. The St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Center serves families and life by providing material, emotional and spiritual support to mothers, fathers and families in need during and after pregnancy.
The tour continued across the street where Fisher met staff and gave a blessing at the Monsignor Carr Children’s Clinic, which serves children ages 3-21 who present an emotional disturbance and are appropriate for outpatient care. Supportive services are provided to family members as well.
For further information about Catholic Charities programs and services in Niagara County, call 716-282-2351 or go to ccwny.org.
From left are Sister Mary McCarrick, Joe Ieraci, Bishop Michael Fisher, James and Mary Glynn, Beth Ieraci and Monsignor David LiPuma