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Niagara County Chairwoman Becky Wydysh released the following statement Wednesday in Response to Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.
“It’s truly disappointing that Mark Poloncarz would choose to call Niagara County reckless over a policy difference on how best to handle the increase in COVID-19 cases across the region. We have no interest in turning this into a political hot potato between neighboring counties.
“As I stated, we believe the key to getting the increase in cases under control is not more mandates, but wide availability of free testing so those who test positive can be isolated and the spread of the virus can be slowed. That is why we have called on New York state to reestablish its state testing clinic at NCCC.
“To that end, what is disappointing is the fact that Erie County has the resources to offer free testing to its residents and Canadian citizens, but is excluding Niagara County residents from such testing. We are one region, with people traveling back and forth, so it is in our collective best interest to expand testing to more people.
“Niagara County never turned away a single Erie County resident from our testing and vaccination clinics, because we recognize that we are in this together. I urge Erie County to open testing to the entire region.”