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This year, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, The Erie Niagara Sunrise Exchange Club will present a 9/11 Memorial Healing Field to honor and remember those who tragically lost their lives that day.
A press release noted, “To represent the magnitude of loss, we will assemble a solemn formation of 2,000 to 3,000 full-size flags on Sept. 10, 11 and 12, 2021. Posted in prefect rows and columns, the stars and stripes will fly in tribute to the victims of 9/11. The scene of red, white and blue flags, flying amid the blue sky, will present an inspiring and memorable panorama that will draw the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan community together. Visitors to this majestic display will come, once again, to Gratwick-Riverside Park in North Tonawanda.”
This year, the 9/11 Memorial Healing Field will recognize and honor the military, first responders and health care community.
Again, the press release stated, “Our health care community has been on the front lines here at home tending to the needs of the sick and dying – many of whom lost their lives in serving our nation. To remember that our nation is still facing threats both in our country and abroad, we need to pause and remember we are Americans. And a strong united America can be an example to all that a strong nation, ‘unified for service,’ can help all Americans.
The following is a brief outline of events:
√ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 10, opening ceremony; tribute to health care workers
√ 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 11, tribute to first responders, police and fire personnel
√ Noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, tribute to all military; closing ceremony; concert
The National Exchange Club has been called “America’s Service Club,” as the name “exchange” was selected because the group wanted to exchange ideas and information with like-minded individuals about how to better serve their communities. The motto is “unity for service,” and the four pillars are Americanism, community service, youth programs and the prevention of child abuse, which is the group’s national project.
For more, visit www.healingfield.org/eventnorthtonawandany21/.