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IRS data shows at least 200,000 eligible are not registered to receive advanced payments
√ NYS Tax Department, Office of Children and Family Services, Department of Labor, Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance will coordinate efforts to reach unregistered New Yorkers
Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently announced a statewide outreach campaign to ensure all eligible New Yorkers register to receive advanced payments of the federal Child Tax Credit.
The U.S. Treasury Department began making advance payments to eligible families in July. Based on preliminary IRS data, New York estimates 200,000 New Yorkers are eligible for the monthly payments but aren't receiving them because they haven't registered. Families who are eligible but who fail to register may lose the opportunity to benefit from the credit.
As part of this campaign, Cuomo has directed the New York State Tax Department, Office of Children and Family Services, Department of Labor and Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance to coordinate outreach efforts to reach unregistered New Yorkers and encourage them to sign up to receive the advanced payments.
"The COVID pandemic took a tremendous toll on all New Yorkers, and it was especially difficult for parents who struggled to provide for their families and make ends meet due to no fault of their own," Cuomo said. "The increase in the child tax credit and advanced monthly payments have been a lifeline for families all across the state, but many are still not taking advantage of this much-needed relief. I'm directing state agencies to work together and coordinate outreach efforts to make sure every single eligible New Yorker registers to receive these vital monthly payments that will make a real difference in their lives."
•The Tax Department will assist with the federal Child Tax Credit campaign by:
√ Conducting direct outreach to eligible New York families;
√ Enlisting community organizations dedicated to helping low-income taxpayers statewide;
√ Engaging tax professionals statewide; and
√ Promoting the CTC in department publications and social media.
In 2020, the Tax Department conducted a similar campaign on federal stimulus payments. The effort helped generate at least an additional $500 million coming to New York.
•The Office of Children and Family Services will assist with the federal Child Tax Credit campaign by:
√ Distributing a flyer to child care resource and referral agencies, child care providers, community multiservices offices, Healthy Families New York, county social service departments and voluntary agencies;
√ Posting a notice on its child care web page and sending child care programs a letter asking them to prominently post the flyer in their child care programs; and
√ Including an article about the Child Tax Credit in its quarterly Child Welfare and Community Services newsletter and in its monthly agency newsletter.
•The Department of Labor will assist with the federal Child Tax Credit campaign by:
√ Emailing information about the Child Tax Credit to its list of over 1 million subscribers; and
√ Distributing information about the Child Tax Credit at its State Fair booth.
•The Office of Temporary And Disability Assistance will assist with the federal Child Tax Credit campaign by:
√ Sending text messages to households enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or Temporary Assistance via the phone numbers associated with their case;
√ Encouraging all 57 local social services districts, as well as the New York City Human Resources Administration, to share this critical information with clients; and
√ Using its social media sites to help boost awareness about the federal Child Tax Credit.
Federal Child Tax Credit
The American Rescue Plan increased the child tax credit to $3,600 per child for children under 6 years old and $3,000 per child for children ages 6-17.
Nearly all families with kids qualify; however, couples making more than $150,000 and single parents making more than $112,500 may not receive the full credit.
Those who have filed tax returns for 2019 or 2020, or signed up to receive an Economic Impact Payment from the Internal Revenue Service, generally will receive this tax relief automatically. They don't need to take any action. In fact, NYS said, “You should have already received your first payment.”
Visit The Child Tax Credit webpage to determine eligible relief.
For those who don’t have to file taxes in 2019 or 2020, and did not register for the Economic Impact Payment, visit Child Tax Credit for Non-Filers to register.