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By Lion Walt Garrow
Past President
Town of Wheatfield Lions Club
Our Town of Wheatfield Lions have been practicing the root meaning of our motto – “We Serve." Our main service areas include: blind, diabetics, hunger, environment, disaster relief, humanitarian care, and children's cancer.
Very recently, we have concluded our Town of Wheatfield Lions "LEGO's for Roswell Kids" program. Because one of our focus areas involves support for pediatric cancer, we contacted Roswell on how we can help. Megan Crawford (Roswell senior coordinator) related to us the experience young children undergo while under treatment for cancer. She told us that, through their process, they have significant idle time. She also found that most enjoy playing with Legos. Thus, we mutually decided to gather a bank of Lego boxes to be given free to these children. This campaign to gather boxes of Legos lasted from May through June.
Many of our members reached out to local friends and businesses. For example, Lion Susan Agnello-Eberwein contacted Pellicano's Marketplace and set up a collection site in the store. The bottom picture shows Lions Paul and Chris Pellicano with the store's collection basket.
The top picture shows our actual delivery of over 100 boxes of Lego kits to Roswell. In this picture, from left, are this writer, President Lion Mary Beth Long, Crawford and Vice President Lion Nancy Rosie. In addition, our Wheatfield Lions Club also presented a check for $400 for this and other children-related needs.