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Mount St. Mary's Hospital has once again stepped up to sponsor Lewiston Council on the Arts’ online Chalk YOUR Walk Competition.
“We are so proud to support and sponsor our friends at the Lewiston Council on the Arts through the Chalk YOUR Walk Competition,” Mount St. Mary’s Hospital President C.J. Urlaub said. “Our partnership has become such a wonderful tradition, and we are happy to join with our community to support the arts.”
The event is still open to anyone in New York state, and is in lieu of the traditional Center and Fifth streets competition held as part of the Lewiston Art Festival.
The LCA said, “You can compete from the comfort of your driveway, parking lot, path or park. This year's theme is ‘Imagine, Explore & Create!’ Nature, music, animals, hobbies, books, sports … anything can be the inspiration for your mural.”
Prizes will be awarded, including $500 for Best of Show, $250 for the People's Choice Award, and $50 Honorable Mention for children ages 10 and under.
Guidelines and instructions can be found on the LCA website, https://artcouncil.org/, and on its Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/lewistonartscouncil/. For more information, call 716-754-0166 or email [email protected].