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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced the availability of up to $6 million in grant funding under The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program and The Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program.
“These grants are crucial to supporting vulnerable and overburdened communities disproportionately affected by environmental health risks,” said Office of Environmental Justice Director Matthew Tejada. “With renewed leadership to address environmental justice under the Biden-Harris administration, we are excited to support community efforts to address historically challenging issues.”
EPA will be giving special consideration to the following focus areas:
√ Addressing COVID-19 concerns faced by low-income communities and communities of color;
√ Climate change and natural disaster resiliency outreach and planning;
√ New applicants to either opportunity;
√ Ports initiative to assist people living and working near ports across the country; and
√ Small nonprofits.
The EJCPS Cooperative Agreement Program’s total estimated funding for this opportunity is approximately $3,200,000. EPA anticipates awarding two cooperative agreements of $160,000 each within each of the 10 EPA regions. To learn more about preapplication assistance calls and how to apply for funding, visit https://www.epa.gov/environmental-justice/environmental-justice-collaborative-problem-solving-cooperative-agreement-0.
The EJSG Program estimates approximately $2,800,000 will be awarded to approximately five applications per EPA region in amounts of up to $50,000 per award. This includes the EPA’s ports initiative program, which anticipates funding up to six additional projects that address clean air issues at coastal and inland ports or rail yards. To learn more about preapplication assistance calls and how to apply for funding, visit https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/environmental-justice-small-grants-program.
Applicants interested in either opportunity must submit proposal packages on or before May 7 to be considered for the available funding. Applicants should plan for projects to begin on Oct. 1.
For more information on environmental justice grants, funding and technical assistance, visit https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/environmental-justice-grants-funding-and-technical-assistance.